GetLoginID(); $pageheader = new BannerMenus_cellbio($link, $DB_USER_TABLE, $path); $title = 'Simple Western antibody database :: ProteinSimple'; $description = ''; /* The page's main menu section - 'about' 'products' 'applications' 'learn' 'support' 'contact' or 'shop' */ $section = 'learn'; // Custom page code global $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $HTTP_GET_VARS; $message = ""; $message = strip_tags($HTTP_GET_VARS["message"]); $action = strip_tags($HTTP_GET_VARS["action"]); $status = strip_tags($HTTP_GET_VARS["status"]); $id = strip_tags($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]); $pwd = strip_tags($HTTP_GET_VARS["pwd"]); $user = strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS["user"]); $pass = strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS["pass"]); // End custom page code CleanHTTPVars(); // Custom page code // // Display login or main menu: // // May already be logged in: if ($_SESSION["userid"]) { $id = $_SESSION["userid"]; $pwd = $_SESSION["passwd"]; } $userid = $login->CheckLogin($user, $pass, $id, $pwd, false); $defpage = "antibodies.html?status=logged_in"; $page = GetParamDefault("page", $defpage); $docid = GetParam0("docid"); if (empty($action) && $userid == 0) { DisplayLogin(0, $path, $status, $message, $headfoot, $bannermenus, $userid, $page, $docid, $login); } else if ($action == "logout") { $login->Logout(); GoToPage("index.html?status=$status"); exit; } else if ($action == "sendpass") { $message = SendPassword($link, $user, $login); DisplayLogin(0, $path, $status, $message, $headfoot, $bannermenus, $userid, $page, $docid, $login); } else { if ($userid > 0 && $action != 'noaccess') { $url = $page; if ($docid != 0) { $url .= "?docid=$docid"; } GoToPage($url); exit; } else if ($userid == -1) { $message = "Login not validated — please check your email for instructions"; DisplayLogin(0, $path, $status, $message, $headfoot, $bannermenus, $userid, $page, $docid, $login); } else { DisplayLogin(1, $path, $status, $message, $headfoot, $bannermenus, $userid, $page, $docid, $login); } } function DisplayLogin($accessDenied, $path, $status, $message, $headfoot, $bannermenus, $userid, $page, $docid, $login) { global $pageheader; global $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $HTTP_GET_VARS; global $SITE_URL; $user = strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS["user"]); $pass = strip_tags($HTTP_POST_VARS["pass"]); // The output below is part of DisplayLogin() // The code continues at the bottom of the page // End custom page code /* Start page */ page_head_start($title, $description); /* Load any additional CSS and JS files here */ page_head_end(); ?> page_body_header($section,$userid); page_body_content_start(); // Main content area start (for use with right sidebar) page_body_content_main_with_right_sidebar_start(); ?>

Simple Western antibody database

Welcome to the Simple Western antibody database, which provides information on the growing number of antibodies that have been screened and tested by Simple Western Charge- and Size-based assay users in their analysis. The database is intended to be used for guidance in target identification, but results can vary depending on the systems screened.

If you have any problems accessing to this database, please contact

Access Denied — Please re-enter your login information


\n"); } else { echo("Password:
\n"); } ?>

?> Login



GetUserID($email); if ($userid > 0) { $password = $login->GetUserPassword($userid); $subject = "Your $COMPANY_NAME password..."; $body = "Here is your $COMPANY_NAME password: $password\n"; $headers = "From: $FROM_EMAIL"; mail($email, $subject, $body, $headers); $msg = "Password sent"; } return $msg; } ?>