ProteinSimple Instruments Ella, Maurice, and Jess

Technical library

For a list of peer-reviewed articles our products have been cited in, check out the publications page.



ProteinSimple Product Family PDF
Document type:


Application Notes

Versatile and Simple Imaging of Proteome Profiler Antibody Arrays with FluorChem Imagers   
Total Protein Normalization with FluorChem Imagers   
Application Note 117: The FluorChem Q and ECL Plex: Sensitive and Quantitative Imaging of Multicolor Fluorescent Westerns   
Application Note 118: Quantitative Analysis of 3-Color Fluorescent Western Blots with the FluorChem Q   
Application Note 119: The FluorChem Q and Pierce DyLight-labeled Antibodies: Multiplex Imaging of Fluorescent Western Blot   
Application Note 120: The FluorChem Q and Alexa Fluor Labeled Antibodies: Multiplex Imaging of Fluorescent Western Blots   
Application Note 121: The FluorChem Q: Sensitive and Rapid 1-D Gel Imaging   
Application Note 122: Imaging Chemiluminescent Western Blots With the FluorChem Q Provides Superior Quantitative Capacity Relative to Film   
Application Note 123: SpectraPlex Western Blot Kit and the FluorChem Q Provide a Complete Solution for Multicolor Fluorescent Western Blotting